Friday, October 1, 2010

What is wrong with America?

What is wrong with America? Why do we give thing away to people who can clearly afford them and allow people, better yet.. children, to go with out? Have we become so self centered on ourselves, our own family, and the dollar that we let others suffer?

I think the answer to the questions are that we have become self-centered and worried about money! We take movies stars, singers, models, and most any public figure and turn them into super humans. They are NOT super humans. They are just like you and me. They wake up and have to brush their own teeth and put their pants on the same way we do! They much pick up the cup with drink in it to get it to their lips.

Stop giving things to people who can afford to pay for them, for starters. Just listen to your local radio stations and you hear of plastic surgery, loaner cars (BMW's and the like,) weight loss plans, etc. Help out those children who have nothing or very little. Maybe they need a car to get back and forth to a doctors appointment. Maybe they need the new clothes because the ones they have will not be warm enough for winter.

What about the plastic surgery and why might a child need that? That one is easy to answer! Maybe they were born with a cleft pallet, or some type of facial abnormality, or any other body abnormality that can be fixed. Help them! They cannot help themselves, they are to young. Think about it!

We need to go back to the ways of neighbor helping neighbor. Those times we easier and more simple. I am not saying to give up the wonderful gift of technology. What I am saying, is just because our civilization advances, does not mean our character has to decrease!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Dawn Dishsoap Helping Animals or Not?

Over the last year I have been buying Dawn Dish Washing Liquid to help wildlife, just in case there was to be another oil disaster. Well there was... the Gulf Coast wildlife is in desperate need of help ! So I did my part by buying even more bottles of Dawn.

Each bottle of Dawn that I have purchased has had the 1Bottle=$1 to Save Wildlife sticker on the front. Now let me add that as a mom, my time is limited. So, I have not had the time to read all of the fine print! When my 15 year old brought me the bottle of Dawn the other day and said, "Mom, did you read this?" I was blown away. There in the fine print was Must Visit to activate donation!

Ok, now I am MAD! It is MY fault for not reading the fine print. However, manufacturers pull this stunt in the hopes that other mothers like me will be to busy and do just as I did, not read the fine print! The company makes out like a bandit by selling their product and looking like they care about the world or a certain cause. When all along it is a ploy to sell more product and NOT have to pay out to the dedicated cause.

Why not just donate a dollar per bottle. It is a tax write off for the company at the end of the year and it helps a living, breathing, creature. How hard can it be to do as you post and want people to believe you do? Stop with the small print and just tell the truth! I would have bought your product anyway. I "LIKED" Dawn but now that I am looking at the amount of money I have spent over the last year with the company and the fact that NON of it went to help wildlife, has made me change my mind.

From now on this mom will no longer buy Dawn!